When was the last time you wondered why you were here?
These are clear expressions of a person without meaning in his life who also spreads his meaninglessness to those around him.
When your life has a solid meaning then you stop worrying about nonsense and you start an upward spiral of evolution and happiness.
It's never too late to give yourself the task of learning how to create a life with purpose.
Creating a life with purpose is giving yourself the greatest gift of discovering who you truly are and from there living every moment of your life. It is not only the professional area, it is each one of the areas in your life.
We have lived years of conditioning, limiting beliefs and non-existent fears, therefore, to create a life with purpose it is essential to remove the layers of all those false ideas you have about yourself so that your true meaning of life is revealed in a loving way.
Take control of your life
Video 1. Introduction to the workshop
Understand that the purpose of life lies in the human nature of being happy, but it is only possible to be happy when we know who we are, therefore the purpose is not sought outside, but is discovered or revealed from within.
Video 2. Your roles in life
Identify the roles in your life and how much you are inhabiting them from your maximum happiness and personal fulfillment.
Video 3 Who do I think I am?
Identify your current self-concept that limits your maximum personal fulfillment.
Video 4 Who have they told me I am?
Identify the unconscious beliefs that continue to manifest in your life to redefine and transcend them.
Video 5 Release and permission to live your life purpose
Through guided visualization, you will lovingly free yourself from unconscious allegiances and gain the full power of your clan to create and live a life of purpose.
Video 6 Who really am I?
You will discover the wealth that is in you, for the simple fact of being who you are. You will accurately identify those strengths in your person that play in your favor in creating a life with purpose.
Video 7 Where am I the most?
You will find that area of life where you can bring the most of your gifts and talents.
Video 8 Hoarding your resources
Until now you will have recovered an enormous amount of highly valuable personal resources that allow you to create a life with purpose, so with them you will establish your new self-concept and from there, identify your participation in the world.
Video 9 First Step in Creating a Purposeful Life
Discover the connections that from today make your life have a valuable meaning.
Video 10 Second Step in Creating a Purposeful Life
Take a clear and precise direction in the creation of your life.
Video 11 Step Three in Creating a Purposeful Life
Create an action plan that allows you to start living a life with purpose from joy.
Video 12 Specific Tips on Creating a Purposeful Life
10+ final tips you can immediately implement in creating a purposeful life.